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My software "can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software" - How to install?

Category: Download & Installation

A new major version of the software is available. How can I upgrade without paying the full price?

Category: Purchase & Licensing

Do you offer educational discounts to students & educators?

Category: Purchase & Licensing

How can I contact you?

Category: General

My plug-in does not appear in Logic or Garage Band

Category: Download & Installation

Can I get a refund?

Category: Purchase & Licensing

Audio is stuttering when connecting thru the network

Category: Connector / Fader Hub

Network Connection Troubleshooting Guide

Category: Connector / Fader Hub

Where can I download older versions of the free plug-ins that may be compatible with my system?

Category: Download & Installation

Can I synchronize two DAWs (tempo, start/stop...) with Connector?

Category: Connector / Fader Hub

Connector / Fader Hub sender instance can connect, but receiver keeps saying "NOT CONNECTED"

Category: Connector / Fader Hub

Cannot receive MIDI events thru Connector in Ableton Live

Category: Connector / Fader Hub