With both Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix and its natural compliment, Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer, this plug-ins bundle brings a complete multi band processing solution to your digital audio workstation.
The package includes powerful multiband side chain effects capabilities, thanks to the unique connectivity features of these plug-ins.
Thanks to Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer VST hosting capabilities, this package can be extended by Blue Cat Audio or other third party VST plug-ins to perform any kind of multiband processing.
For more information about the 2 products included in this bundle, see the list below.
Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix

Last updated: 2024/09/09
Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer

Last updated: 2024/09/09
User Comments & Reviews
"With Blue Cat Audio’s innovative MIDI side-chaining system, the sky’s the limit.
[...] Blue Cat Audio are plug-in developers who put an enormous amount of thought into their products, creating an extremely powerful and flexible range of processors. If there’s something you want to do to the dynamics or tone of your audio, no matter how obscure or involved, the chances are you can set up one of their compressors or EQs to do it[...]
[Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer] might seem an odd idea, but it actually provides alternative ways of implementing a number of fairly common processes.[...] It also has some fresh tricks up its sleeve, and most of these relate to Blue Cat’s trademark linking techniques. [...] The possibilities are, quite literally, endless.[...]
We shouldn’t overlook the core features of the MB5 multi-band dynamics processor. [...] You’ll have a job finding anything else quite so comprehensively specified. A highlight of Blue Cat plug-ins in general, and MB5 and MB7 in particular, is the amount of visual feedback they give you. [...] Everything you’d reasonably expect to be able to click on and move about can be clicked on and moved about.[...] Extreme parameter ranges on offer mean you can create some pretty out-there effects, especially when you get into abusing MB5’s upwards compression.
In general, I think these plug-ins will appeal most to those who want and need very precise control, and are willing to invest some time and effort in learning how to get the best from them. If you’re after creative dynamic effects that can’t be achieved in any other way, or you’re presented with problematic material that needs to be fixed, these plug-ins can do things nothing else is capable of. [...] They are uniquely flexible." - [Read Full Review]
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Verdict: 8/10. A super-flexible, great-sounding plug-in combo for the more technically inclined. " - Computer Music Magazine - October 2011