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Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix
Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix
"Multiband dynamics processing revisited."
Price: (-33%) 149€ 99€ or (-33%) $149 $99 (tax incl.)
Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix - The All-In-One Multiband Dynamics Processor

Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix is an extremely powerful all-in-one multiband dynamics processor: it can be used as a multiband compressor, limiter, gate, expander, waveshaper or all combined at once, on any part of the spectrum.

MacOSUniversal BinaryWindows Vista or newerWindows x64 (64-bit)VSTVST3AAX64-bit AAXAudio Unit

The unique dynamics processing section of the Blue Cat's Dynamics plug-in has been streamlined and integrated in this plug-in to process each one of the 5 bands separately.

The plug-in provides unique envelope detection capabilities that let one band trigger the dynamics response on others (internal side-chain). Combined with the advanced stereo features including mid/side processing and independent channels activation, it gives you full control over the dynamics of the signal for a wide range of effects.

An additional brick wall limiter/clipper protects the output for complete control over the dynamics response.

The plug-in provides comprehensive visual feedback to let you know what's exactly going on at every step of the dynamics processor: for each channel, monitor the spectrum, the in/out levels, dynamics response, compression ratio and in/out level of each band...

The user interface has been designed to streamline the workflow, and despite the wide range of functionalities offered by the plug-in, it is extremely easy to use. Inter-bands controls (copy/paste, link...) lets you create complex treatments with a few clicks.

Thanks to its advanced MIDI and automation output capabilities, Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix is capable of advanced side-chaining features: you can control other plug-ins with the output of the dynamics processing stage for simple side chain dynamics effects or more advanced signal-dependent effects. Check out our MB-5 Dynamix Tutorials for more details.

If you are looking for a broadband dynamics processor, check out the Blue Cat's Dynamics plug-in.

Main Features:

  • Full featured multiband dynamics processor: compressor, gate, limiter, expander, waveshaper.
  • Up to 5 bands, with crossover filters from 12 to 120 dB/Oct for optimal separation.
  • Unique envelope routing capability for cross-band dynamics effects (one band may trigger another).
  • Dry/wet control for parallel processing ("New York Compression").
  • Stereo or mid-side processing with multiple channels linking options.
  • Post brickwall limiter or waveshaper.
  • Comprehensive Visual feedback with real time response curves and levels display.
  • Easy copy/paste settings between bands.
  • Side chaining made easy: a unique way to perform multi-band side chain compression, ducking, gating and much more.
  • Plug-in window transparency management.
  • No latency.

Blue Cat Audio Standards:

  • Available in most plug-in formats for Mac and Windows.
  • Full MIDI control and automation support, MIDI Learn.
  • No CPU load on idle: processing shuts down when fed with silence (optimal CPU usage).
  • Customizable user interface with transparency & zoom.
  • Automation and MIDI output: record output parameters as automation curves or send MIDI CC messages to other plug-ins for powerful side chain effects.
  • Smooth Bypass: noiseless plug-in activation / deactivation.
  • Undo/Redo.
  • Full featured integrated presets manager.
  • Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances.
  • Any sample rate supported.

Typical applications: Multiband dynamics correction and modeling, mastering, loudness maximizing, dynamic equalization, de-essing, pop removal, multiband wave shaping, spectrum-based side chain effects.

Credits: this plug-in includes many factory presets created by Sink.

Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix - The All-In-One Multiband Dynamics Processor Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix - The All-In-One Multiband Dynamics Processor Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix - The All-In-One Multiband Dynamics Processor Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix - The All-In-One Multiband Dynamics Processor

User Comments & Reviews

"Blue Cat Audio’s MB-5 Dynamix plug-in [...] is cleverly designed to be both sonically effective and visually informative, clearly borrowing from lessons learned developing the company’s popular Analysis Pack bundle.[...] A quick glance through the MB-5 Dynamix’s set of features illustrates the intelligent and thorough approach that has been taken in putting this plug-in together.[...]

Arguably the most impressive aspect of the MB-5 Dynamix is its ease of use. Pleasingly, this doesn’t mean that there’s any dumbing down of its features, but instead, it sports a cleverly designed interface that allows you to interact intuitively with each of the bands, as well as keeping a close eye (and ear) on the compression taking place.[...]

The sound of the MB-5 Dynamix is clean, functional and efficient.[...] The MB-5 Dynamix really sets itself apart in respect to its usability. [...] It is a safe and effective tool that will allow you to refine rather than destroy all your finely crafted audio masterpieces."

Verdict: "The MB-5 Dynamix is a clean and efficient multi-band compressor that really shines in respect to its usability. Quick to set up and with clear metering, it’s a nicely presented, professional tool."

Rated 9/10 in Music Tech Magazine, issue 92

"As most know, I'm a multiband compressor junkie! From my first review, the MB-5 Dynamix has to be the most complex multi I have seen in regards to the overall control on each band. Based off of the quality and performce of the other Blue Cat plug-ins I own, the MB-5 Dynamix will probably turn out to be my go-to multi-comp.

Prefer the MB-5 Dynamix over the UA Precision Multiband: I'm finding that I can push the MB-5 Dynamix a little harder before I get the artifacts and the additional parameters allows for extensive tweaking.

Comparisons between MB-5 Dynamix and iZotope's MultiBand Compressor: iZotope has been my first go-to for multi-comp's. MB-5 Dynamix beats it out. I really like having that extra band in the MB-5 Dynamix and the ability to select the crossover slope for each band is a major plus. Oh, and I have only touched the surface of what the MB-5 Dynamix can do.

[...] I have stopped doing comparisons with the MB-5 Dynamix and my other multi-band compressors. It's not worth the time. The MB-5 Dynamix is just better. I started experimenting with the "Cross-Band Side Chaining" function. Wow, talk about a serious!" - Byron Santo, bassist, producer and author (

Blue Cat's MB Dynamix Pack was granted the Performance Award by Computer Music Magazine"These are precise, almost scientific tools[...]. So, they require time to truly get to grips with. In return, they'll continue to deliver as you explore their depths. [...] Pros: Clever ideas well implemented, Quality multiband processing, MB-7 linking options a nice touch, Cross-band internal sidechaining.

Verdict: 8/10. A super-flexible, great-sounding plug-in combo for the more technically inclined. " - Computer Music Magazine - October 2011, reviewed as part of Blue Cat's MB Dynamix Pack.

"Excellent!!! (10/10) [...] J'aime beaucoup l'interface très intuitive, simple à appréhender, la qualité sonore. J'apprécie la sélection de la source de side-chain à appliquer sur chaque bande, le copier/coller des réglages d'une bande vers une autre, le grand choix de pentes pour chaque bande (de 6dB à 60dB), l'échelle de la fenêtre graphique (10dB, 20dB et 40dB), les paramètres Threshold/Ratio et Knee indépendants pour le bas et le haut de la courbe de chaque bande, etc... La liste est longue.

Pour conclure, c'est un outil très complet, bien pensé et la qualité sonore est au rendez-vous ! Le rapport qualité/prix me semble excellent.." - Laurent Bergman, producer - full review (French)

Translation: "Excellent!!! (10/10) [...] I really like the very intuitive user interface, easy to understand, the sound quality. I appreciate the selection of side-chain source to be applied to each band, copy and paste settings from one band to another, the wide range of slopes in each band (6dB to 60dB), wide the graphics window (10dB, 20dB and 40dB), the parameters Threshold / Ratio and Knee independent bottom and top of the curve of each band, etc ... The list is long.

As a conlusion, it is a very complete tool, well thought out and the sound quality is there! The price/quality ratio seems excellent.." - full review (Translated)

"With Blue Cat Audio’s innovative MIDI side-chaining system, the sky’s the limit[...].

We shouldn’t overlook the core features of the MB5 multi-band dynamics processor. [...] You’ll have a job finding anything else quite so comprehensively specified. A highlight of Blue Cat plug-ins in general, and MB5 and MB7 in particular, is the amount of visual feedback they give you. [...] Everything you’d reasonably expect to be able to click on and move about can be clicked on and moved about.[...] Extreme parameter ranges on offer mean you can create some pretty out-there effects, especially when you get into abusing MB5’s upwards compression." - Sound On Sound Magazine - July 2011 [Read Full Review]

"I think it's clear that both the single-band and multiband Blue Cat Dynamics processors are flexible, loaded with features, and provide superb visual feedback to make mixing faster and easier. For the price [...], they may offer excellent value to home-studio producers who find them compatible with their work flow. They are definitely worth a demo download to audition to see if that is so." - Soundbytes Magazine - March 2019 [Read Full Review]

To add your own comment about this product, please contact us.

Demo Limitations:

  • 5 instances of the plug-in allowed per session.
  • The effect is bypassed for half a second every minute.

System Requirements


  • An Intel or Apple Silicon processor.
  • Mac OS 10.9 or newer.
  • Any VST / Audio Unit / AAX compatible application (64-bit) .


  • An SSE2-enabled processor (Pentium 4 or newer).
  • Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10.
  • Any VST / AAX compatible host software (32 or 64 bit).

For more information about supported platforms, see our Knowledge Base.

Versions History

V2.22 (2024/09/09)

  • Windows: Multi monitor High DPI scaling support for high resolution displays (4K monitors, hi-res laptops...) for Windows 10 version 1607 (Anniversary Edition) and newer.
  • Mac: Improved Retina display support, with crispier graphics at all resolutions and zoom levels.
  • Mac: fixed random GUI refresh issues in Reaper on Retina displays.
  • Fixed mono version displaying integer values for ratio, threshold and gain instead of floating point values with extra digits.

V2.21 (2022/12/12)

  • Added Apple Silicon support for AAX Plug-in Format.
  • Fixed VST3 version not always loading properly in Ableton Live 11.
  • Improved VST parameter value display in some host applications.
  • Added an option in global & preset input settings to send MIDI events when MIDI-enabled parameters are modified in the plug-in (to update control surfaces accordingly).
  • Improved undo management and automation when using the mouse wheel to move knobs.
  • Fixed VST & VST3 automation not recording properly in some hosts for output parameters (Cubase 11, Ableton Live).
  • AAX: Fixed erratic mouse behavior in Pro Tools on Mac.
  • Mac: installers and plug-ins have been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac OS Catalina and newer.

V2.2 (2021/10/19)

  • Single Installer on Mac (all plug-ins formats).
  • Apple Silicon (M1 processor) support.
  • Dropped 32-bit support on Mac.
  • Now requires MacOS 10.9 and newer.
  • Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets.
  • Added MIDI control support (MIDI CC messages) for Next and Previous Preset commands, with MIDI learn.
  • Improved MIDI & automation control settings with lock, reset and "save as global setting" capabilities.
  • Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition).
  • Unicode support.
  • Windows: improved GUI loading performance.
  • VST3: fixed random crash in Ableton Live 11 upon load.
  • Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule).
  • Mac: fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays.
  • Mac: fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values.
  • Mac: fixed mouse cursor flickering issues.
  • Mac: fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog.

V2.11 (2020/07/07)

  • New high resolution graphics for knobs.
  • Reduced disk footprint.
  • Mac: faster GUI rendering on recent Mac OS systems (up to 8x faster).
  • Mac: fixed user interface not properly shown on retina displays in some applications built with the 10.14 Mac OS SDK, such as Logic 10.5.
  • Mac: fixed settings panel rendering issues in dark mode on Mac OS Mojave and newer.
  • Mac: Fixed keyboard not responding in registration panel in some host applications (LUNA, Garage Band...).
  • Mac: Fixed demo version that could hang Logic when reloading projects using the plug-in.
  • Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule).

V2.1 (2019/07/23)

  • Fixed crossovers slope not properly displayed (actual slope was twice the slope on display) and fixed factory presets accordingly.
  • New presets browser with built-in search (additional skin also updated with new features).
  • MIDI Program Change preference is now saved into session instead of global preferences, so each instance can now use different MIDI channels. It is also saved in the user default preset.
  • VST3: added program change support for VST3 plug-in format.
  • VST3: added MIDI output support for VST3 plug-in format for MIDI side chain effects.
  • VST: the user interface is now properly resized in Cubase on Windows.
  • Spectrum analyzer display will not take priority over DAW or other plug-ins user interfaces.

V2.0 (2019/01/10)

  • Fully redesigned algorithms with improved performance and precision.
  • External side chain input.
  • Control the maximum gain reduction or increase for each band using the new "Depth" parameter.
  • Brand new GUI design, with improved usability and touchscreen support.
  • The GUI can now be zoomed from 70% to 200%.
  • Lock the GUI state to prevent changes when loading presets.
  • Faster GUI loading / instantaneous GUI display after it has been opened once.
  • Adjust contrast for spectrogram display.
  • Spectrogram now keeps history when resized.
  • Brand new presets manager with MIDI program and bank messages support, copy/paste.
  • Added presets managers for individual bands and dynamics curve settings.
  • Now supports retina displays on Mac (text and graphs using high resolution).
  • VST3 plug-in format support.
  • New installer on Mac.
  • Changed demo limitations: up to 5 instances allowed, bypass time changed to half a second, and bypass parameter is not affected anymore.
  • License is now shared between plug-ins types (register only once for all formats).
  • Dropped support for Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier.
  • Dropped support for legacy RTAS and DirectX plug-ins formats.

V1.21 (2014/03/20)

  • Fixed 64-bit VST MIDI Events not sent for the first output parameter in the list.
  • Windows VST installer now detects the VST plug-ins path and remembers previous install location for updates.
  • Fixed Audio Unit validation issue on OSX Mavericks/Logic Pro X.
  • Fixed VST plug-in window frame not showing in Cubase 7.5 (32-bit) on Mac.
  • Fixed VST version that could not be loaded in Audio HiJack Pro (Mac).

V1.2 (2013/06/27)

  • 64-bit AAX support for Pro Tools 11.

V1.2 (2011/08/31)

  • Output data rate (MIDI CC or automation) can now be customized, from 20 to 500 Hz.
  • Increased the default output data rate (from 20 to 50 Hz) for smoother side chaining and more precise spectrum display.
  • Windows: improved settings dialog loading time.
  • Mac: user interface performance improvement (up to 20% lighter on cpu).

V1.11 (2011/02/10)

  • Fixed keyboard focus stealing issue in Pro Tools and several other host applications.

V1.1 (2010/12/14)

  • Improved the precision of the crossover filters, especially in the low end of the spectrum.
  • Zoom animation is no longer triggered when opening the user interface of the plug-in.

V1.0 (2010/09/06)

First release.