Get all the tools you need to measure, monitor, and understand the audio signal, and reuse these measurements to control other plug-ins or any MIDI controllable device.

Blue Cat's DP Meter Pro plug-in will tell you everything about your audio levels. Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst Pro and FreqAnalyst Multi plug-ins provide extremely smooth spectrum and frequency content analysis. Finally, the StereoScope plug-ins series let you visualize the stereo image of your audio content in details.
While the 'Pro' plug-ins offer unique possibilities to create your own signal-controlled effects, the 'Multi' versions have unique multiple instances features to perform the analysis on several tracks or anywhere in a signal chain. Our audio analysis tutorials explain these capabilities in details.
For more information about the 6 products included in this bundle, see the list below.
Blue Cat's DP Meter Pro

Last updated: 2024/09/09
Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst Multi

Last updated: 2024/09/09
Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst Pro

Last updated: 2024/09/09
Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi

Last updated: 2024/09/09
Blue Cat's StereoScope Multi

Last updated: 2024/09/09
Blue Cat's StereoScope Pro

Last updated: 2024/09/09
User Comments & Reviews

"Indépendamment des qualités propres des plugs, à savoir précision, ergonomie, richesse de fonctionnalités, de modes d’analyse, de choix de représentation graphique [...], ce sont bien évidemment les fonctionnalités de side chaining, la possibilité de littéralement transformer l’audio analysé en informations de commande Midi et/ou Automation, ainsi que la très utile fonction d’affichage de multiples courbes dans les versions Multi [...] qui font tout le sel des plug-ins d’analyse signés Blue Cat Audio.
D’autre part, la majorité des plugs équivalents inclus dans Logic [...] ne peuvent rivaliser en termes de précision [...], de réglages ou de qualité d’affichage.
La réponse à la question : "cela vaut-il le coup d’investir dans un tel bundle, alors que ma DAW inclut déjà des outils similaires?" sera donc : oui.[...]
Bref, avec ces plugs utiles, inventifs, innovants, offrant des fonctions inédites, l’éditeur a parfaitement réussi son coup. Bravo." -

"As is apparent, this bundle is nothing if not feature-packed. The more analytically-minded will find the amount of information on offer pretty incredible, and the ability to output MIDI and automation data is an excellent, forward-thinking feature that alone would be enough to sell this collection to some - the same goes for the Multi functionality."
"Verdict: the Analysis Pack sports many innovative features that you simply won't find elsewhere, and it actually goes beyond analysis with its clever CC/automation generation features." - 9/10 rating and performance and innovation awards granted by Computer Music Magazine (CM), Feb 2008 -
To add your own comment about this product, please contact us.
[Translated from French]: "Regardless of the qualities of the plugs-ins, namely accuracy, usability, richness of features, analysis modes, graphical representation options, it is obviously the side chaining features, the ability to literally transform the audio signal into Midi control information and / or Automation, and the very useful feature to display multiple curves in the Multi versions that do all the salt Blue Cat audio's analysis plug-ins.
Further more, the majority of equivalent plug-ins included in Logic cannot compete in terms of accuracy, settings or display quality.
The answer to the question: "is it worth the blow to invest in such a bundle, while my DAW already includes similar tools?" is yes.
In short, with these useful, inventive, and innovative plug-ins offering completely new features, the publisher has pulled it off perfectly. Congrats." - (France) [Read Full Translated Review]