Blue Cat's User Interface Programming Language
GlobalNamespace Namespace Reference

Extensions to the scripting engine in the global namespace (root namespace). More...


class  StopWatch
 A high precision stop watch to measure elapsed time. More...
class  XmlNode
 Reference type that describes a node in an Xml tree structure (DOM). More...


enum  XmlNodeType { kXmlElement, kXmlComment, kXmlText }


double rand (double min=0, double max=1)
 Random number generator. More...
int system (const string &command)
 System command execution (experimental). More...
int system (const string &command, string &output)
 System command execution with output capture (experimental). More...
XmlNodeXmlParseFile (const string &file)
 Parse an Xml file and build the corresponding DOM tree structure (returns null if failed).
XmlNodeXmlParse (const string &str)
 Parse a string containing Xml and build the corresponding DOM tree structure (returns null if failed).
bool XmlWriteFile (const XmlNode &in xml, const string &file)
 Write an Xml DOM into a file. Returns false upon failure.
bool XmlWrite (const XmlNode &in xml, string &str)
 Write an Xml DOM into a string. Returns false upon failure.

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ XmlNodeType

Type of Xml Node.


Element node.


Comment node.


text node

Function Documentation

◆ rand()

double GlobalNamespace::rand ( double  min = 0,
double  max = 1 

Generates a random number between min and max.

◆ system() [1/2]

int GlobalNamespace::system ( const string &  command)

Executes "command" using the system shell and waits for the command to finish. returns the result of the command.

◆ system() [2/2]

int GlobalNamespace::system ( const string &  command,
string &  output 

Executes "command" using the system shell and returns the output as a string. Example:


will return the list of directories as displayed by the "dir" command on Windows (you can use "ls" on Mac instead).