Controlling Virtual Instruments in Cakewalk Sonar with MIDI: ReFX Nexus 4 & Remote Control

As a MIDI-in and MIDI-out plug-in, Blue Cat’s Remote Control can help in various situations, either to control MIDI devices or plug-in or act as an interface between MIDI controllers and software, as shown in this particular example with the Nexus 4 virtual instrument. Check it out!

In this clip I will show how the “Nexus 4” synth (as an example) can be triggered in its MIDI learn function with the help of “Blue Cat Audio” Remote Control. For this I use three MIDI controllers. “Nectar GXP” MIDI-Keyboard is used to trigger notes and play the synth. For the use of MIDI CC data, “Beatstep Pro” Step-Sequencer (by Arturia) in “control mode”, is the secound MIDI device. Finally “Touch Portal” on my 12″ Android tablet, is chosen as a third MIDI CC Controller.


ACT (Active Controller Technology) by Sonar is unfortunately a bit old and I have often been annoyed by the inadequate support of Sonar in the remote control area… BC Remote finally closes a gap for me that Sonar has never been able to fill for all these years.

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