Online Jamming Session With FaderHub / Manual Setup

Fader Hub, our mixing and streaming console, is a great tool to play music with remote musicians in real time, as already shown a couple of times.

Sometimes, before enjoying the jam, an extra manual configuration step may be required to finalize the connection between musicians, if your equipment does not support the Universal Plug’n Play (UPnP) protocol. That’s what happened in the session below and we thought it would be a great opportunity to show you how to set things up in this case.

Manual Network Setup & Jam

In the video below, Andrew was connected to the Internet through an old Airport Extreme hardware router, which does not support UPnP (to be configured automatically by Fader Hub like Eli). So he had to configure the router to forward the ports to his local machine to make it work properly, as we used to do before our network audio software was made UPnP-compliant.

Eli shows you in details how he setup the session on both sides of the connection to be able to play together in real time despite the distance. Check it out!

For a detailed step by step tutorial on how to setup Fader Hub for online jamming, you can check this article.

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