There is nothing like eating your own dog cat food and use the tools that you sell for your own work.
So we have decided to take benefit from Blue Cat’s MB-7 Mixer’s new ability to host VST plug-ins, in order to test its crossover curves, using Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst Multi.
We have simply added an instance of Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst Multi on each band, and set them up to analyze the instant frequency response with maximal resolution.
Then a white noise signal was sent into the MB-7 Mixer plug-in. The reading on the FreqAnalyst Multi plug-in now simply shows the spectral response of the crossover filters, which exactly matches the one displayed on the Blue Cat’s MB-7 Mixer plug-in.

Nice, isn’t it?
You can use the same technique to measure the frequency response of third party plug-ins and see if they actually do what they are supposed to! Beware, you may have some surprises…!