Fader Hub 1.1: Virtual Console Audio Routing Tips
Fader Hub 1.1 now offers extra audio routing capabilities together with an extra auxiliary output to give you more options to manage your local or network mixing sessions. Here are …
Fader Hub 1.1 now offers extra audio routing capabilities together with an extra auxiliary output to give you more options to manage your local or network mixing sessions. Here are …
Spinal Vibe offers a wide range of stereo options to simulate the recording of rotating speakers, but what if you want to reproduce dual rotary speakers configurations such as David …
Does a vintage guitar still sound “vintage” when going thru software amp simulation? What if audio plug-ins were available back in 1977? Let’s find out in this fourth episode of …
When controlling a virtual Wah pedal with an expression pedal via MIDI, it is convenient to have a built-in tip switch to activate the Wah effect when pushing the pedal. …
Rotary speakers work great on vintage tones such as Rhodes electric pianos. Here is an example using Spinal Vibe‘s ability to use up to three independent rotating speakers: >discuss this …
How does the new Spinal Vibe plug-in sound on guitars? Here are a few examples with guitars only, in addition to all the guitar tones already shown in the intro …
Axiom is an extremely powerful amp simulation & multi-effects processor, and yet it is extremely easy to use: thanks to its multiple levels of details, you can indeed make it …
How does the new Spinal Vibe plug-in sound on organs? Check this out! While our intro video mainly shows classic organ tones with a more or less traditional rotating Leslie …
Rotary speakers have been used quite a lot on Hammond organs first (as originally designed by Mr Leslie), and were later applied to guitars as well, before being experimented on …
Vintage Filmosound amplifiers have become more and more popular lately, with now even a couple of analog or digital emulations available (these old projector are really hard to find, so …