As announced earlier, we have counted the number of YouTube likes on December 1st to select the 10 videos which are now currently been examined by the jury. Well, there are actually 11 videos since the last two had the same number of likes!
The YouTube playlist has been sorted accordingly (the first 11 are selected for the final countdown).
The jury, composed of Martin Miller, Jean Fontanille, Hans Van Even and the Blue Cat Audio team will now vote for the top 4 entries who will win a prize. The winners should be announced shortly, keep connected!
Do you know when the winners Will be annonced ?
Best regards
We are currently gathering the votes from everyone in the jury. So hopefully very soon!
Joyeux Noël ! Des nouvelles du jury ?
Bien cordialement
Il ne nous manque plus que le vote d’un membre du jury pour finir! Avec les fêtes c’est un peu plus long que prévu…
Des nouvelles du concours ?
Bien cordialement
Ca y est! Les résultats ont été publiés! Désolé pour l’attente!