Re-Guitar: It’s Pretty Amazing!
Today Roger Gamon tests Re-Guitar, and he likes it, check out his review/demo video below! Re-Guitar “lets you emulate many types of electric guitar pickups without the need to modify …
Today Roger Gamon tests Re-Guitar, and he likes it, check out his review/demo video below! Re-Guitar “lets you emulate many types of electric guitar pickups without the need to modify …
In this video, Henning Pauly (HP42) tries out Re-Head, our plug-in dedicated to headphones monitoring, check it out! “Mixing with Headphone is usually not recommended, but if you have to, …
Imagine the craziest delay you ever dreamed of… double it… and then you aren’t even close to what LATE REPLIES from Blue Cat Audio has to offer…. Sure, it might …
In this video, Henning Pauly (HP42) checks out some of our free plug-ins that work well with guitars: Blue Cat’s Free Amp, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, FreqAnalyst and Gain Suite. Of …
Today Henning Pauly explores the Re-Guitar plug-in and its ability to change guitar pickups and even morph between them (like tone maps). Check out the full review in video below. “What …
Our guitar amp feedback simulator AcouFiend has been out for a few weeks, and the YouTubers are taking notice. Check out some of the video walkthroughs and reviews that have …
Here is another great review of our new AcouFiend plug-in, from Italy: ”It sounds very, very good. Perfect!”— Mad Steex Production
In this video Benoni Studio explains and shows you why PatchWork V2 is a MUST HAVE plug-in: from loading VSTs and AUs in Pro Tools, to all built-in effects plug-ins …
“If you are working with software amps, you might be missing the possibility to get feedback… now you can have it back and even control it! […] You can throw …
Here is a comprehensive review and tutorial video by Benoni Studio. He tells you all about the MB-7 Mixer plug-in! Blue Cat’s MB-7 Mixer is a multi-band plugin that gives …