How To Get The Best Support And Save Your Day?

We have just launched our new online help desk a few weeks ago. It is now the preferred way to get in touch with us. Here are a few tips to help you get the best possible customer support from us!

Check the Knowledge Base

You may want to have a look at the knowledge base first: if the answer is here, you will solve your problem instantly. No need to wait for our answer!

How to Write a Ticket?

If you have not found what you are looking for in the knowledge base or in the community forum, you can contact us by submitting a ticket:

First, choose the right type of ticket, so that it goes into the right location directly. It is important to choose the right type of ticket to get your answer faster.

Make sure that you write as many details as possible about your issue or your question: which operating system are you using (Mac/Windows, and which version), which host application if any, which product your question is about etc. It is also important for us to know what you are exactly trying to do (what you expected), and what exactly happens (what is different from what you expected). Questions such as “It does not work, what can I do?” will definitely not be answered before we can get more details!

Also, remember that you are talking to human beings who are doing their best to help you. You are more likely to get an answer fast with polite words. Insults and rude messages will definitely not help ;-).

Check the Answers Before Submitting

Before submitting your ticket, you will notice that the help desks provides you with a selection of answers:

The built-in search engine is pretty efficient, and we try to keep the knowledge base up to date with frequently asked questions. So check these links before submitting your ticket: the answer might be there, and you will solve your issue instantly, instead of having to wait for us to pick up the ticket!

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2 thoughts on “How To Get The Best Support And Save Your Day?

  1. Your products consistently high quality, scalable for novice-expert and we’ll supported.
    Thank you for everything you do.


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